Aeonix Campus Security
Unified Communications& Emergency Response System For Education Institutes
Aeonix Emergency Response System
Every school district in the United States has their own unique challenges based on their geographic location such as those located in areas plagued by earthquakes, hurricanes and floods.
Yet each school district also has the same challenge of keeping their students safe while providing them with best education possible.
Taking the proper precautions to prevent any potential threat while maintaining the students’ routine is on the top of the list of any schools’ administration.
Tadiran Telecom’s Aeonix4Cloud Communications Platform is a leading solution that has been proven to provide administrators, teachers, parents and students with the peace of mind that enables them to concentrate on what matters most. Education.

Campus Security
PANIC BUTTONs should be installed in strategic locations across any campus such that if any threat is suspected in the vicinity of any of the buildings, pressing the panic button will activate the emergency response as follows:
Emergency Conference Call Creation with pre-programmed participants.
Activation of a microphone in the panic button unit.
Conference call participants can hear audio nearby to the button
ELIN (Emergency Location Identification Number) of the nearest Aeonix device is presented.
Resilient Cloud Infrastructure
Choosing to deploy communications systems in the cloud inherently provides redundancy and uninterrupted service in the event of any natural disaster or challenge.
24/7 Communication with Staff
In addition to IP phones in classrooms and offices, all teachers and administrators need the Aeonix Touch Communications Client on their mobile phone, Windows or Chrome Book devices. This ensures that the teachers can make and receive Aeonix system calls and utilize other Aeonix features, from anywhere in the world as long as they have access to the Aeonix UC&C server via the Internet.
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How does it work?

Teacher, school employee or other identifies danger nearby
Presses Panic Button which triggers:
Emergency Conference Call Creation with pre-programmed participants
Activation of a microphone in the panic button unit.
Conference call participants can hear audio nearby to the button
ELIN (Emergency Location Identification Number) of the nearest Aeonix device is presented
Aeonix Dispatch Console Operators have full control of Emergency Conferences using 2 telephones
Parties can be added, muted, or disconnected at Operator’s discretion
One Button can activate many processes
Help is on the way
Based on the situation, the relevant emergency personnel are dispatched to the location
Quick and safe resolution to the dangerous situation